

TRIP will run weekly during the school year with the exceptions of school vacations and cancellations. TRIP sessions also take place on select Wednesday mornings during the summer months.  A summer schedule will be shared via the Blitz weekly emails as the time nears.  For more information on the TRIP program please contact our school office 616-875-8152, or you may email tripcoordinator@borculochrschool.org

Tuition Reduction Incentive Plan (TRIP):
Have your tuition reduced through your everyday shopping! Just a little planning ahead is all you need to do, and you’re off to a great start with this rewarding program!

Here’s how it works: The TRIP Committee buys certificates at a discounted price and then sells them to TRIP participants who order and buy these certificates at face value. The discount, or rebate, is then credited to the family’s tuition account. TRIP is a completely parent-run volunteer program designed to benefit first the parent, then the school.

Which retailers participate? Click the order form to see a list of retailers.

Participation in the Tuition Reduction Incentive Program (TRIP) is available to anyone considering Christian education or presently involved in Christian education. Over 370 retailers participate by refunding a portion of their sales to Christian school families!

Networking: Friends, neighbors, other family members, grandparents, etc., can help you just by putting their orders and checks in your envelope, or they may set up their own account by assigning their TRIP credits to benefit your family’s tuition account.

Future Families: Don’t have a child in school yet? This is perfect for you too! Earnings can exceed a year’s tuition before your child even gets to school and then keeps helping out throughout his/her years through high school.

Voucher: To receive credit from TRIP Voucher “Yellow Pages”, present to the retailer the 3-part TRIP voucher form prior to purchase. If you need a TRIP voucher form, stop by a TRIP session or pick one up at the TRIP paperwork station near the school office.

New Family Registration Packet and Online Form – Are you looking for more information about what TRIP is? Are you new to TRIP and interested in signing up? Visit the links below for more information or to get registered!

New Family Registration Form (Online Google Form)

OnLine Trip Registration Form – Introducing On-Line TRIP where you can earn tuition credits 24/7! With On-Line TRIP you will be able to reload select gift cards or have select cards sent to your e-mail. No more waiting until a TRIP session to get your gift cards.

OnLine Trip Registration Form (Online Google Form)

Release Form – This form gives permission for someone other than yourself to pick-up/deliver your trip order or allows the trip order to be sent to you via the postal service.
Release Form (Online Google Form)

Funds Change of Designation Form – This form allows you to designate your T.R.I.P funds to a different account or status.
Funds Change of Designation Form (Online Google Form)