Sporting Clay Shoot: Organize, Promote, and help the day of the shoot.
Kids Clothing & Toy Sale: Help make and distribute promotional flyers before the sale and remove them after the sale. Set up Friday night and work the Saturday of the sale.
Soup Supper: Help set up Thursday night, serve food on Friday and clean up.
Mum Sale: Help set up and assist the day of the sale.
Little Caesars Pizza: Organize, tally orders and distribute orders.
Auction Solicitor: Work with the auction chairman to solicit donations for the auction.
Auction Worker: Work the auction helping the chairman with the many jobs for the night.
Pig Roast: Set up Friday evening, serve Saturday and clean up.
Spring Banquet: serve, set up, decorate, and clean up the night of the banquet.
Library Service: A variety of positions including story reading, accelerated reader organizer, shelving, record keeping, purchasing books and facilitator.
TRIP: Help tally, sort, count and stuff TRIP orders on Wednesday afternoons during school.
Recess Duty: Assist the teacher on duty supervise the students at lunch recess.
Teacher Appreciation Lunch, Grand Parents Day, and Pastors Lunch: Help organize and serve lunch for the teachers during National Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Help organize food or snacks for Grandparents Day. Help organize pastors lunch with teachers (they provide entertainment) and serve and clean up lunch. (Note: these committees were combined because of shortage of workers vs. committees. This will consist of 3 days which is very comparable to time spent on many other committees. )
Room Mother: Recognize the teacher on their birthday, work with teacher on setting up Christmas party, etc.
(A more detailed list will be available for each classroom.)
Education Committee: Once a month meeting with the principal & teachers for curriculum concerns and other school issues that may occur.
Labels: Organizing label collection and purchasing of products with the points earned. (Throughout the school year)
Grounds: May be called to help with general maintenance of outside of building.
Building: May be called to help with general maintenance of inside of building.
Transportation: may be called to help with the maintenance of the buses.