Below you will find the Spanish Vocabulary lists by participating grade levels for the 2015-16 school year. Extra practice at home helps!
Kindergarten Spanish Vocabulary
1st – 5th Grade Current Vocabulary
We are currently learning about common Latin American foods. We are also learning the Spanish alphabet. See how much of it your students can say.
Ajo (garlic)
Albondigas (meatballs)
Arroz con leche (rice with milk)
Berenjena (eggplant)
Bizcochos (cake/biscuits)
Calabaza (pumpkin)
Cebollas (onions)
Chiles (chili peppers)
Chocolates (chocolates)
Dátiles (dates)
Duraznos (peaches)
Elotes (corn-on-the-cob)
Ensalada (salad)
Fajita (fajita)
Fideos (noodles)
Frijoles (beans)
Gazpacho (cold soup)
Gelatina (jello)
Guisantes (peas)
Hamburguesas (hamburgers)
Huevos con chorizo (eggs w/ sausage)
Izote (yucca flower)
Jalapeños (jalapeños)
Jamón (ham)
Jitomates (tomato)
Kiwis (kiwi)
Leche (milk)
Lentejas (lentils)
Limónes (lemons)
6th Grade Current Target Structures
* Son las (ocho) – It is eight o’clock
* Abre la puerta – He or she opens the door
*Nunca cierra – He or she never closes
7th & 8th Grades Current Target Structures
* Habla – He or she speaks
*Toma – He or she takes
* Quiere ser – He or she wants to be