ESS Links

Educational Web Links

Dr. Mel Levine’s Website:         Dr. Mel Levine is a professor of pediatrics and director of the Clinical Center for the Study of Development and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; he is also the founder of a non-profit All Kinds of Minds Institute. This website gives parents and educators information regarding students who struggle with learning and attention and offers ideas to help build students’ strengths.


Multiple Intelligences:

Take the Multiple Intelligences Test      Howard Gardner developed a theory of multiple intelligences that includes the following intelligences: verbal/linguistic, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, logical/mathematical, musical/rhythmic, naturalist, intrapersonal, and interpersonal. Determine your strengths through this on-line inventory. It is 80 questions and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete.

Learning Styles:

Take the Learning Styles Type Indicator Test         This 28 question test will determine whether your learning preferences are extroversion or introversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving.

Flashcards, Worksheets, & Games:         Create and print your own flashcards or worksheets. There are also interactive flashcards, games, and worksheets as well as a homework helper!

Interactive Math:         Search by math topic or grade level. Interactive math practice and explanations as well as challenge games can be found on this website. Get immediate feedback when solving problems.

SET Game:      This is a game of visual perception and logic. It is a great game that helps develop higher order thinking skills and is a lot of fun too!

Algebra Helper:

Pre-Algebra Videos.     Enter the web code found in your pre-algebra book pg. 25 (under the Go Online icon on the top right corner of the page) to view the homework video tutor. Other web codes for practice quizzes and tests, activities and projects can be found on page xxiii in your textbook.