
Borculo Christian School is a Member of the Following Organizations:

  • CLC – The Christian Learning Center provides consultants to help us individualize education for students with learning differences.  They also help us evaluate students who may have learning challenges.  The Christian Learning Center also has online classes available for students who are gifted in Math or Language Arts.
  • CSI – Christian Schools International is an organization of Christian Schools around the world.  They produce curriculum from a Christian Worldview.  Borculo Christian currently uses CSI’s Bible and Science curriculums.  We are also currently going through CSI’s accreditation process.
  • CEA – The Christian Educators Association holds an annual convention for teachers and administrators of Christian Schools throughout the Midwest.  This convention provides excellent opportunities for spiritual and professional growth.
  • EOCS – Eastern Ottawa Christian Schools is made up of Elementary and Middle Schools in Eastern Ottawa County as well as Unity Christian High School.  Administrators and teachers meet often to encourage community and support among the schools as well as align curriculums.
  • REVIVE – Borculo Christian School has entered into an agreement with other Eastern Ottawa Christian Schools to participate in a new community resale store called REVIVE. The store will feature sales of items that have lost their usefulness in one location but may have great value in another location. Items like furniture, clothing, sporting goods, appliances, children’s items and much more—anything that continues to have value—may  be brought to the store, located in the former Hudsonville Ace Hardware Store on the corner of 36th and Baldwin. Profits from the sale of items will be divided amongst participant schools in accordance with the percentage of students enrolled in each school in the fall of each school year compared to overall enrollment of participant schools. For example, if BCS has 10% of the total students, then we would receive 10% of the profit of the store.
  • Ready for School – Ready for School is a Ready for School initiative of the Faith-Based Taskforce to ensure that every child from birth enters kindergarten prepared to succeed.